Sunday, January 29, 2017

Circle Challenge

Circle blocks taken to the next level were turned in today  The originals were posted under BAFA New Design Challenge November 2016 on this blog.  They are shown again here below along with a photo of the alterations or additions thereto.  It was fun to hear each person's idea for altering their block.  Sylvia, Jerry and Sherry applied an early design exercise on splitting shapes.  Others, like myself, who had too many ideas narrowed their work down to a single theme. (Fig. 1-27).

Jerry's Circles                                         Fig. 1

Jean's Additions                                           Fig. 2

Dot's Circle                                               Fig. 3

Sherry's Split Shape                                      Fig. 4

Melissa's Block                                            Fig. 5

Sylvia's Work                                                Fig. 6

Jean's Circles                                               Fig. 7

Susan's Work                                       Fig. 8

Kathy's Circle                                              Fig. 9

Lisa's Work                                                Fig. 10

Beth's Block                                                Fig. 11

Kathy's Addition                                Fig. 12

Lisa's Gallifreyan Language (Dr. Who)  -   Fig. 13

Dot's More Words for Lisa                         Fig. 14

Sherry's Block                                          Fig. 15

Connie's Additions                                  Fig. 16

Dot's Circle Block                                   Fig. 17

Jerry's Split Shape                                      Fig. 18

Sylvia's Block                                             Fig. 19

Connie's Work                             Fig. 20

Christine Block 1                                        Fig. 21

Christine Block2                                          Fig. 22

Beth Work on Christine Blocks                Fig. 23

Susan's Block                                           Fig. 24

Christine's Work on Susan's Block           Fig. 25

Connie's Block                                            Fig. 26

Melissa's Work on Connie's Block       Fig. 27

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