Monday, July 15, 2013

Making a Commercial Fabric Work for You

I have been painting on commercial fabric and making it my own for use in quilts and art quilts for some years.  When I recently found a great commercial decorator fabric (Fig. 1) to make pillows for my family room sofa, I knew I would be altering this fabric and adding to my painted fabric repertoire.  The fabric said 1950's to me but I wanted some bright yellow and a little black in it (to go with yellow leather chairs also in the family room).  I got out the paint and made it my own (Fig. 2).  And, the finished pillows look good on both the sofa and chairs (Fig. 3 & 4).

               Decorator Fabric  (Fig. 1)

                           Finished Pillow 18"x18"  (Fig. 2)
On Sofa in Family Room  (Fig. 3)
                                      On Yellow Chair  (Fig. 4)


  1. just thought I'd let you know I'm reading-love the yellow chairs with pillow.-

  2. Connie, I love what you did with this fabric! The added yellow really perks it up. And I also love your yellow chairs!
