Sunday, June 2, 2019

Exploring Negative Space using Positive and Negative Images

Bafa members met and discussed exploring and creating negative space.  Some members used positive images and some used negative images.  Some also brought the photos they plan to use in their exploration (see Figures 1-12).

I loved working with negative image since I had not done it before.  I created the first one using value gradations and multiple pieces (See Fig. 11) then finally boiled it down to very few pieces in black and white (See Fig. 10).

Sylvia                              Fig. 1

Sylvia  WIP                     Fig. 2

Dianna                                                            Fig. 3

Dianna                                                        Fig. 4

Cindy                                                             Fig. 5

Dot selected photos                                      Fig. 6

Follow the Yellow Brick Road     Dot Collins  Fig. 7

Kathy selected photo/drawing                      Fig. 8

Kathy Risinger                                          Fig. 9

Missy and Bub                                 Fig. 10

Missy                      Fig. 11

Linda Ainsworth                                          Fig. 12