At the April meeting, Bafa members also shared classwork, work-in-progress, design exercises from previous meetings, and finished work (fig. 1-12).
I also posted a close up of Lydie's birdhouse from the baggie challenge (fig. 13). Lydie's focus is on using old and used fabric and lots of stitching on a dimensional object that reminds me of a book in that as it is opened to lay flat, each "page" reveals another part of the story. This looked like so much fun, we all decided we want to do one. Mine will have to be a hanging fish bowl...LOL!
Melissa Tweedel - Classwork fig. 1
Susan Cornell fig. 2
Lydie Raimbault fig. 3
Kathy Risinger fig. 4
Dot Collins fig. 5
Dot fig. 6
Susan fig. 7
Susan fig. 8
Susan fig. 9
Kathy - Design Exercise fig. 10
Kathy- Design Exercise Finished fig. 11
Kathy - Finished Work fig. 12
Lydie - Baggie Challenge fig. 13